Sunday, November 26, 2017

An award of appreciation for the DGC!

Recently, DGC members were on hand to receive an award from the Old Marblehead Improvement Association, an acknowledgement of our 65th anniversary and an appreciation of our dedication to maintaining the grounds at the Abbot Public Library.

The certificate of appreciation was presented by Judy Jacobi to the Driftwood Garden Club, "On the occasion of its 65th anniversary for their care of the Abbot Public Library grounds and also for the two special gardens that delight children from all corners of Marblehead."

Thanks to Ginny vR. for sharing photos of the special day. Well done, DGC!

Proudly accepting the award on behalf of the DGC are Evonne P. (president), Laurie B. (treasurer), Ginny vR. (historian), and Lisa B. (civic chair).

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . .

. . . especially at Sue B.'s house, where members of the DGC gathered to prepare decorations for our annual Hooper Mansion holiday decorating event-- to be held tomorrow at 9 AM. Thanks to Ginny vR. for the photos.

Flower Arranging with the Driftwood Garden Club

Here are some fabulous photos from the DGC flower-arranging workshop held on November 14th. The theme was "The Five Components of English Garden Flower Arrangements," and the finished centerpieces look amazing! Many thanks to Ginny and Laurie for leading the workshop, and to Pinar for the photos.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Driftwood Garden Club celebrates 65 years . . .

Wow! Our annual luncheon was extra special this year, as our club celebrates 65 years of gardening and camaraderie. Andrea G. hosted us in her beautiful home, the sun came out (for a bit), and we enjoyed our walks, our lunch, and our time together. The highlight of the afternoon arrived when club historian Ginny vR. delivered a moving and memorable slideshow presentation, paying tribute to sixty-five years of DGC history and tradition (and a lot of funny stories, too).

Here are a few photos from our day:

Enjoying Andrea's gardens before lunch

Our traditional lobster roll and cupcake luncheon

Catching up with old and new friends

Enjoying lunch with a view to the outside gardens

Ginny regales us with tales and trivia from years gone by

A special acknowledgment of Sue B., the DGC's longest-running active member . . . since 1987!

Sue B., Nancy D., club president, and Ginny vR., club historian and speaker extraordinaire

I love the spontaneous socializing going on in this photo!

The Driftwood Garden Club 2016-2017

A special thanks to 2016-2017 club president, Nancy D., vice president, Evonne P., program co-chairs, Kathy B. and Rosie D., and all of the members of the DGC board of directors. It has been a fabulous year!

(Stay tuned for photos from last year's luncheon . . . oops )