2017-2018 Calendar

“Floral Artistry”
September 16

Fall Cocktail Party

6:00 pm
The annual Fall Cocktail party is a wonderful way to kick off our new garden club season! Share stories about your garden successes and failures over the past summer. Learn more details about the theme for this year – Floral Artistry. Sign up as a hostess for one of the upcoming programs. Bring your husband or significant other to meet the garden club members they have heard so much about! Beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Members are asked to bring an appetizer or dessert to share.

Laurie and Cliff Boggis
2 Stacey Court
October 17

Pressed Flower Workshop

6:30 pm
In this fun and engaging workshop, members will be working along with speaker and workshop director Cheryl Monroe to create lovely pressed flower arrangements using a variety of pressed material, both foliage and floral, on 8.5’ x 11.5’ cardstock. The arrangements are then scanned, reproduced and sent back to the “artists” as greeting cards. All materials will be provided and original artwork returned. Members may also bring with them any pressed material from their own gardens. For information on how to press your own flowers in anticipation of the workshop, go to Cheryl’s website: gardenintheburrow.com. There will be a $5.00 per person charge to cover the cost of the cards and mailing if you wish to order them.

Abbot Library
October 24

Fall Clean-Up at Abbot Public Library

9:00 am

Abbot Library
November 4

Fall Clean-Up at Abbot Public Library

9:00 am

Abbot Library
November 14

Centerpiece Workshop

6:30 pm
Our own Ginny Von Rueden and Laurie Boggis will lead us in a flower arranging workshop in which we will learn the fool proof techniques for creating a lovely centerpiece. The theme will be “The Five Components of English Garden Flower Arrangements” to complement our upcoming trip next May. Ginny and Laurie make a great team who will share their years of arranging expertise along with humorous anecdotes. From a bunch of grocery store flowers and greens from your own yard, you can produce an impressive work of art at very little cost. The garden club will provide the oasis and centerpiece container (i.e. the bones of the arrangement). Members will be asked to provide their own flowers and greens.

Abbot Library
November 27

Hooper Mansion Holiday Decorations

9:00 am

Prior to the holiday decorating of Hooper Mansion, there will be a buying trip to Jacobson Floral, Boston, date TBD and a decorating workshop at the home of Sue Ball, date TBD.

Hooper Mansion
8 Hooper Street
December 5

Christmas Greens for Seniors

6:30 pm
This is another way for the Driftwood Garden Club to give back to the community and get into the holiday spirit at the same time. In this collaborative effort with the Marblehead Council on Aging (COA), we will decorate wreaths and swags for the 70 elderly Marblehead residents who participate in the Meals on Wheels Program. We will purchase and decorate the wreaths and the COA will deliver them. We ask that members bring extra greens, ribbons and decorations to adorn the wreaths and swags, as well as a $5.00 contribution to help defray the cost.

Marblehead Community Center
10 Humphrey Street
January 16
Jan 17 (snowdate)

The Language of Flowers

6:30 pm
Dispel the winter blues with this enchanting performance by master storyteller Diane Edgecomb, accompanied by Celtic harper and vocalist Margot Chamberlain. They will bring to life the stories that surround favorite garden flowers including the Persian legend of the Nightingale and the Rose, the Native American story about the Dandelion, and the mysterious “Language of Flowers” celebrated in Victorian times. This program will be offered in conjunction with Abbot Public Library and will be open to the public.

Abbot Library
February 6

Art In Bloom Roadshow

6:30 pm
Forty years ago, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, was the first museum in the United States to introduce their public to a show of art and flowers – Art in Bloom. During a four day period every spring, about fifty of the Museum’s art objects are interpreted through floral arrangements. There will be a slide show presentation of Art in Bloom depicting behind the scenes preparations, followed by a demonstration by one of the museum’s floral designers interpreting a reproduction of one of the Museum’s pieces of art. This program will be offered in conjunction with the Marblehead Neck Winter Garden Club.
Abbot Library
March 20

Digital Photography: Botanic Images

6:30 pm
We are bringing back Melissa Pace (remember “Dirt: How to get the Most out of Your Plants”?) to talk to us about photography in the garden. She was a big hit last year. This presentation will teach us how to use digital devices such as phones, tablets and point and shoot cameras, a few simple tools, and a little bit of knowledge to create incredible, quality garden photos. She will explore all the easy to use features available on these devices to create more beautiful images or simply to catalog your garden. She will demonstrate how simple it is to take and edit pictures right on your camera and will also discuss a few inexpensive tools that can be purchased to elevate your photography to the next level.  Melissa encourages attendees to bring their own camera so they can experiment with these features during her talk.

Abbot Library

Spring Clean-Up at Abbot Public Library

9 am

Dates TBD
Abbot Library
April 16-28

Dig and Divide in Local Gardens

Final dates to be determined based on weather conditions and winter season.

April 30

Art In Bloom – Field Trip to Museum of Fine Arts

9 am
Meet at
Gatchell Park for car pooling

Celebrate the return of spring with Art in Bloom, the Museum’s annual festival of fine art and flowers. Works of art from across the MFA’s collection are paired with magnificent floral interpretations created by New England-area garden clubs.

Museum of Fine Arts
465 Huntington Avenue

Spring Clean-Up at Abbot Public Library

9 am

Dates TBD
Abbot Library
May 12

DGC Plant Sale

8:00 am

Annual Fundraiser
Masonic Temple
62 Pleasant Street
May 20 -May 25

English Garden Tours

Call Ginny Von Rueden for details about the tour.

June 2

Annual Luncheon/Meeting

Come join our end of year celebration luncheon and meeting.

Joy Purdin
134 Tedesco Street
June 23

Members’ Garden Tour

10 am-noon
It’s been years since we had a members’ garden tour. This will be an opportunity to share our gardens with each other. We will plan a tour of four to six of our own gardens - big or small, professionally landscaped or home grown – the greater variety the better. At the last stop, we will relax and compare notes with a picnic lunch.

Driftwood Garden Club Program Schedule 2015-2016
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Sept. 12, 2015
Fall Cocktail Party
6 PM
101 Harbor Avenue, Marblehead

Please join us and enjoy a fun evening to reconnect after a summer spent in our gardens. Learn about the program schedule for the 2015-2016 season and sign up as a hostess for one or even two of our most interesting program topics. Reconnect with each other and introduce yourself to our newest members. Husbands and significant others are welcome and encouraged to attend this event. DGC will provide the wine, beer and sparkling water. As is the tradition, members will bring an appetizer or dessert to share. 

Saturday, Oct. 3
Pickity Place, Mason, NH
9 AM: Meet at Gatchell Park for carpooling
Lunch at 12:45 PM

Journey down winding country lanes in the tiny town of Mason while enjoying the
fall foliage and soon enough you’ll arrive at Grandmother’s House. Well, sort of. Technically, it’s a wonderful gourmet luncheon spot with gardens, a greenhouse and gift shop all tucked into a rustic 225+-year-old dwelling. Meandering brick pathways connect the extensive gardens and open lawns. Elizabeth Orton Jones (1910–2005) bought a little cottage in Mason with the proceeds from her first book, Twig. When she was called upon by Little Golden Books to illustrate the 1948 edition of Little Red Riding Hood, she drew inspiration for the art from the nearby red Cape-style house that is Pickity Place today.

Tuesday, Oct 27
Fall General Business Meeting and Gardening is Murder
Abbot Library
6:15 PM

A presentation by Neal Sanders provides a “husband’s point of view” of gardening and is filled with humor and insight from someone who gardens less from an abiding love of horticulture than for the love of a spouse. Discover why it is impossible to do just one thing in the garden, why so much gardening information on the Internet is awful, why you should never compute the value of your labor in gardening, evidence that the wildlife in your garden have never seen a Disney film, and why it requires digging three holes to plant something.
Neal Sanders is the author of eight mysteries, several of which use garden club settings and the voice behind The Principal Undergardener blog: http://theprincipalundergardener.blogspot.com/ 

Tuesday, November 3
Fall Clean Up at Abbot Library
9 AM     *Saturday date will be announced

Saturday, November 14
Bemis Farms, Spencer, MA -  Holiday Greens Decorations
9 AM: Meet at Gatchell Park for carpooling
10:30 Workshop

Below are two of the many choices available that can be made while working inside Bemis Farms glass greenhouses, enjoying the smells of holiday greenery and making up one’s mind to select from the many choices of materials.
• Williamsburg Fruit Plaque for Front Door or Centerpiece
 Design in the authentic style of Williamsburg, VA using shiny magnolia leaves and bright 

red apples. Use only authentic materials that were available during colonial times: plant pods, berries, cones and feathers.
• Pine Cone Topiary Tree Centerpiece
Made from Austrian Pine cones and green Spanish moss, this 2 foot table top

tree will last for years. Just pack it away, bring it out each year to reuse. Additional options include: Decorated Swag for Fireplace, Advent Wreath Centerpiece, Winter Porch Pot and 6 foot long Mantle Garland. 

Monday, November 30

Hooper Mansion Holiday Decorations
9 AM: Meet at 8 Hooper Street
Theme: Seaside Gardens
In late October to early November (dates TBD) there will be a buying trip to Jacobson Floral in Boston and a subsequent workshop to make the decorations. 

Tuesday, December 1
Vignettes and Niches: Here Comes the Light
6:30 PM at Abbot Library

The holiday season can be wonderful, but also hectic, over the top and sometimes overwhelming! Thus, in the hustle and bustle of this upcoming season you are invited to slow down, relax and get creative. Join Rosie Dalton, floral designer and woodland forager in creating delicate heartfelt niches and vignettes that reflect the magic and meaning of this festive season. What could be more relaxing than creating delightful compositions to place in the nooks and crannies of your home that bring the quiet wonder of winter-land to the foreground. The loveliest of supplies will be provided. 

Tuesday, January 19
Art and Spirit in the Garden: Ireland and Scotland
6:30 PM at Abbot Library

Karin Stanley a sculptor, certified landscape designer and a world traveler will talk to us about bringing spirituality into the garden. She will illustrate ways to create an “inner quiet garden room” by using the interplay of sun and shadow with the essential elements of stone, metal, water, fire, and wood. Along with her interest in Celtic archaeology, Karin is intrigued by the Arts and Crafts Period and the history of Irish and Scottish Gardens. These are the influences and precedents for her work in art and garden design projects. Enjoy
photos of Irish and Scottish gardens. 

Tuesday, February 16
Design Sustainable Landscapes: Create Beauty with Ecological Sensitivity
6:30 PM at Abbot Library

How can we incorporate sustainable site design elements into the landscapes around our homes? How can we combine beauty while being sensitive to the environment?
At the heart of each sustainable design are 3 core values: stewardship of the land, habitat and connectivity for wildlife and reduction of pressures on our urban systems. Most important to the homeowner, sustainable designs should be visually pleasing. Join landscape architect Kathy Bradford and learn how to use sustainable site elements with plants to produce designs that highlight the benefits of focusing on designing with the environment.

Wednesday, March 23
The Pollinator Garden
6:15 PM at Abbot Library

Following the rhythm of the seasons, celebrated landscape designer Kim Smith Abbot Library presents a stunning slide show and lecture demonstrating how to create a
welcoming haven for bees, birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. Native plants and
examples of organic and architectural features will be discussed based on their value
to particular vertebrates and invertebrates. Kim Smith is an author, designer, illustrator, photo/ film journalist and founder of landscape and interior design firm, Kim Smith Designs of Gloucester, MA. She specializes in "creating gardens for people and pollinators–butterflies, hummingbirds, songbirds, and bees–with a focus on native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and fragrant plants." This meeting is jointly sponsored by the DGC, The Marblehead Garden Club and Cottage Gardeners. 

April TBA
Dig and Divide

Dig, divide and pot plants from selected donor gardens as well as your own garden for use in the plant sale. Length of winter will determine dates. 

Saturday, May 7
DGC Plant Sale
8:30 AM
Masonic Temple, 62 Pleasant Street

Tuesday, May 10
Spring Clean Up at Library
9:00 AM (Saturday date to be announced)

Saturday, May 21
Annual Luncheon
12 PM
101 Harbor Avenue

A last social get together of the program year before everybody takes off in different directions for the summer. On the agenda: the results of the Plant Sale and the announcement of the 2016-17 Slate of Officers. 

Driftwood Garden Club Program for the 2014-15 Season

Please note meeting dates and locations carefully. Unless otherwise indicated, all meetings will take place at the Abbot Public Library on Pleasant Street, Marblehead.

Our meetings take place in the downstairs Meeting Room. Social time with refreshments starts at 7:00 PM, followed by a quick business meeting and then our program at 7:30 PM.

At the opening meeting in October, we will welcome and introduce our newest members,
the club officers and committee members. The 2014-2015 Program will be outlined and our ongoing projects will be spotlighted. 

The New American Garden
Tuesday, October 21, 7pm Abbot Public Library
Laura Eisner
Professor, The Landscape Institute Boston Architectural College

The New American Garden concept frees plants from forced and artificial forms and allows them to seek a natural course as they weave a tapestry across the entire garden plane. The results are layered masses of foliage that boldly celebrate the ephemeral through mystery, intrigue, and discovery. Built elements share importance equally with the plants. Carefully designed walls, terraces, steps, and other “hardscape” features complement the surrounding “softscape.” Famous landscape architect Oehme van Sweden is widely recognized as having pioneered the New American Garden style of landscape architecture. Our speaker, Laura Eisner, believes that teaching design is the surest way to ensure improvements in the region’s landscape and gardens, since it gives a greater number of people the skills and inspiration needed to create exciting and environmentally sound landscapes. Laura brings us up to date with current trends in her slide presentation and our discussion to follow.
—Public invited

Gleaning from the Wild
Saturday, November 22, 12-2pm Snug Harbor Farm, Kennebunk ME
Tony Elliot
Owner, Snug Harbor Farm
Glean the grounds of Snug Harbor

to find the perfect combination of berries, plants, pods and twigs to make a stunning and unique holiday container and add a festive touch to your home. Bring your own container or you can buy one at their fabulous store. The workshop includes a tour of the farm, materials and a demonstration by owner, Tony Elliott. Snug Harbor Farm is a year round retail greenhouse grower, plant nursery, landscape design service and garden shop located in the lower village of Kennebunk, ME. The nursery is a plant connoisseur’s dream. Tony Elliott is a purveyor of good taste.

Decorating the Holiday Home
Tuesday, December 9, 7pm Abbot Public Library
Nancy Mantilla
Owner, Flores Mantilla

Relax, have fun and enjoy the creativity of Nancy Mantilla, owner and extraordinarily talented floral designer at Flores Mantilla, which has been committed to beautifying the Boston area for over 20 years.

The holidays may be a hectic time, but Nancy will be with us to create and share beautiful centerpieces and holiday décor
which will be raffled off to three lucky members in the true spirit of holiday giving. An evening not to miss as we celebrate each other in good cheer...

Flora in Winter, Exhibition and tour
Saturday, January 24, 12-2 pm The Worcester Art Museum Worcester, MA
Breathtaking flowers bloom in the galleries of the Worcester Art Museum during its annual Flora in Winter Exhibition. During this premier floral design event, skilled arrangers from across the region create captivating and imaginative interpretations of artworks in virtually every gallery of the museum. It is a succulent feast for the eyes and spirit in the middle of winter. This is a gem of a museum and visitors quickly realize the breadth of its collections. The Worcester Art Museum is considered one of the finest small museums in the country.

Garden Choreography—Designing the Garden Path
Tuesday, February 17, 7pm Abbot Public Library
Heather Heimarck
Director of The Landscape Institute Boston Architectural College

In this talk on garden choreography, we examine the cinematographer’s use of storyboarding as a garden design tool. Moving away from designing in plan first, this technique engages “the fourth dimension:, that of movement through the garden. A short film on Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken”, is the springboard for our discussion on both the spatial and psychological effects of open spaces, narrow corridors, distant views, veiled glimpses, contrasts in color, and capturing the drama of “the road less taken”, the garden path. In appreciating the architecture of poetry and film, we return to the garden with fresh inspiration.

With her background in fine arts, sculpture and community service, Heather Heimarck brings a social and environmental ethic to the art of landscape design. She opened her own business, High Mark Land Design, following nine years of public practice with leading landscape design and urban planning firms in New England. As a sole practitioner, Ms. Heimarck has focused on community, smart growth, and the artistic design of the environment. She has been a pivotal force in the establishment and on going strategic vision of The Landscape Institute at The Boston Architectural College.
—Public invited

Jaw Dropping, Traffic Stopping, get your Neighbors Talking Containers
Tuesday, March 17, 7pm Abbot Public Library
Deborah Trickett
The Captured Garden Westwood, MA
Tired of the same old window boxes? Have you ever wanted to create lush container gardens that would be the envy of the neighborhood? Are you ready to move beyond the expected?

Master Gardener Deborah Trickett will present a slide presentation and demonstration as she show us how to take container gardens from “blah” to “aaah”. She’ll start with the basics, including appropriate containers, soil mixes and plant choices for different site containers, then proceed to new and unusual plant material and uncommon, including “green” container choices. Deborah Trickett has worked in the gardening industry for over 30 years, starting with her first greenhouse job at age 13. An award winning designer, she works with clients throughout New England who want their homes to be outstanding, not typical. By combining unusual plant material and creative design ideas, Deborah creates gardens and containers that are truly one of a kind.

A Massachusetts Certified Horticulturist and a Massachusetts Certified Landscape Professional, Deborah has lectured frequently on container gardening, speaking at the New England Spring Flower Show, the Philadelphia Flower Show and the Newport Flower Show. She also teaches classes and workshops at the Arnold Arboretum and her work has been featured in The Boston Globe, Garden Gate, and New England Home magazines, as well as on the television show New England Dream Home.

Please note these events:
Fall Clean Up (required attendance)
Tuesday, November 4, 9am, rain date November 5
Saturday team may participate November 1, with a
rain date of November 8

March ‘15
The Boston Flower and Garden Show
“Season of Enchantment” March 11-15
The Seaport World Trade Center

While this is not on our program, here are the dates if you wish to coordinate on your own

April ‘15
Dig and Divide, TBD Spring Clean Up, TBD

May ‘15

Beacon Hill Garden Tour
Thursday, May 21, Boston
While this is not on our program, here is the date if you wish to coordinate on your own.

DGC Plant Sale
Saturday May 9, 9-12 8:30-12, Masonic Hall

Annual Luncheon, TBD


We are coming to the close of our 2013-2014 program calendar. Stay tuned for next year's schedule of exciting programs!

Don't forget our DGC cocktail party scheduled for September 20, 2014.

Driftwood Garden Club

Abbot Public Library Gardens
 Work Day Schedule 2014

All workdays begin at 9:00 AM
Please bring garden tools and gloves.
DGC will provide paper lawn bags.

Workday attendance is a club requirement, so please make up your absence by attending another scheduled workday or see weekly chore list posted to assist in maintaining the gardens.

Please contact your captain if you are unable to attend your scheduled workday.

Tuesday                        Wednesday                        Saturday

May 27                             May 21                             May 17

June 17                             June 11                            June 7

July 8                                July 16                             June 28

August 12                        August 6                               July 26

September 9                    August 27                        August 23

September 30                  October 8                    September 20

Final FALL Clean up is Tuesday, November 4th at 9:00 AM
Rain date is Wednesday, November 5th