Ways and Means organized another successful dig and divide, and co-chairs Trish M. and Kathi V. and their entire team contributed many hours to put together another amazing sale.
Lisa B. offered a choice of four days to get the grounds at the Abbot in tip-top shape during our spring clean up, and the library gardens are looking better than ever.
Finally, Joy P. welcomed members into her beautiful home for our annual meeting/luncheon, and we had a great turnout.
Many thanks to all of our 2017-18 board members who have worked so hard to help our club reach its goals while keeping things interesting and fun.
Here are a few photos of the above events:
Dig and Divide at Nancy D.'s house
Spring clean up
The plant sale!
And the luncheon
For those of you who aren't able to view Kathy B.'s photos on Facebook:
Best wishes to all for a happy summer, and stay tuned for Ginny vR.'s photos from the English garden tour!